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New Finds – Bookstores and Blogs

I’ve been looking around for new inspiration lately and came across a few cool things that I thought I would share!  As I gear up to send out another round of promos I’ve been trying to get ideas for Spring-themed foods/props/shoot ideas/recipes/anything.  One of my go-to online magazines is Sweet Paul, and the new edition just came out today (Paul does seasonal releases, so it’s always agony waiting the few months for the next issue!).  If you like things that are crafty, bright, fresh, or just plain pretty, you should definitely check it out…


Another great new blog that I learned about last night at an ASPP event is from an Australian photographer named Katie Quinn Davies.  Her blog “What Katie Ate” is filled with brilliant, moody, mouth-watering food photography along with links to books, recipes, and other fun things.

What Katie Ate…


And my last new find for the night – which isn’t really new new, but recently remembered 😛 – is the cool cookbook-only bookstore in Fremont called Book Larder.  They host a lot of wonderful events with chefs, authors, bloggers, and other food enthusiasts, and even have a kitchen area to host cooking demonstrations and tastings.  I am so excited that I found this place again!  I can’t wait to attend one of the upcoming events…probably this one…